Saturday, February 16, 2008


Cheeky looking confused (and annoyed).

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Postcard Swap: The Love Edition

Happy Valentines Day everyone!

I just got back from (a tiring day at) work. I went to my snail mail box and there in a pile full of boring mails and bills I saw this envelope addressed to me in bright pink writing!
And it came all the way from:


A few months back I stumbled upon this AMAZING photography come blog called Chookooloonks. Tell you what- I am so in love with it- the blog that is ;) Anyway sometime last month the author of this blog; Karen had organised this thing called postcard swap: The true love edition. I thought the idea was so cool that as uncreative and boring as I am, I should give it a go and emailed her expressing my interest to be apart of it. A couple of weeks later, I didn't hear anything from her and it turned out that she didn't even received my email to begin with. Anyway I emailed her back saying that it was ok and that hopefully I will get a chance to participate in the next postcard swap.

She replied back saying how sorry she was and said that she will send me a card instead! What a serious act of kind gesture :)

She's such an amazing photographer!

After seeing her card, I now feel like really bad for that card that I made and send to her :S. I mean seriously mine is just so crappy compared to hers. I am not even sure whether has it reached safely at Texas.
If you're reading this Karen- I'm So Sorry! :P

All I have to say for now is Thank You! This has definitely put a big smile on my face. *HuGs*