Thursday, March 6, 2008

Autumn Blend

Good bye to the sunshine and welcoming Autumn.

My so-called Moroccan Lamb along side with Tomato & Basil Cous Cous and Rocket Salad.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Snail Mail

Having a blog definitely helps sometimes. It is possibly the best excuse that I have to not
(i) study, (ii) do the laundry and (iii) cleaning :P

Anyway remember the postcard swap that I took part in last month. You've seen what Karen's card is like now you'll get to see what did I make for her :P

Photo from Chookooloonks
As you can see mine looks ok only compared to the other cards that she's received :P. It's the one with the red arrow pointing at it

And just went I thought the snail mail frenzy was over look what I got again:

Another Snail Mail from Espana *weeeee*

It's a letter come recipe all the way from Spain.
So cute!

So can't wait to try it out. Probably will try it on this upcoming long weekend :). This is vegan dish because Fon's a vegan but tell you what, when I was reading the recipe I was like almost drooling. If only I had a personal chef, I would ask him/her to make that for me instantly!

Fon's sketch attemp of the Portabella Mushrooms; though it does look more like a Big Mac to me hahahha ;)

Hopefully I won't be lazy to take some photos and update on the recipe :P!

On a different note, here are some blogs that has unintentionally become my daily blog surfing routine (apart from my close friends blogs that is):

Rebecca Woolf
Shutter Sisters
Matt Bites

Jenifer Altman
Martha Stewart

OK so you if you're looking at Martha Stewart's name and going "what da", well I happen to like her and her works, so bite me! :)
Anyway that's all for now. I'm hungry and so am going to have some instant noodle-YUM!