Saturday, September 15, 2007

Go Organic! Go Vegetarian!

I am one girl who loves her vegetables! Ever since I was young, when it comes to scooping food, the veges seems to get the top notch priority on my plate (and my taste buds). Off late what started out as a curiosity has now ended up as an aim towards healthier lifestyle passion: Organic food. So I drove down to my one of my favourite place in the world : St Andrews Market and bought some certified organic veges and made myself 3 simple, healthy and yet yummy meals : French Beans with Tofu, Spinach with Feta and Potatoe and Kidney Bean Curry served with rice and some Spicy hot Tomato and Capsicum Chutney.


fon said...

Hey... that looks YUMMY!!! Come cook for me lar!

Anjalai said...

trust me fon, if i can i will! :P